This labor day was spent in Houston, TX...and by myself. I am currently on an assignment for a new unit that we shipped and failed within 25 hours of runtime (the units are supposed to run for 26000 hours before maintenance. First I had to go to our Dresser-Rand location in Houston to supervise the machinists and mechanics that had to fix the part. In 6 days I worked 108 hours. A bit much, but It will help pay the winter heating bill. Next I will have to go to BP in Texas City to supervise installation and startup. BP has a lot of requirements to get into the refinery to work, but I have them almost completed. You need a government background check, a local background check, a drug test, an alcohol test, a hair follicle drug test, and 11 hours of training. Right now I am waiting for the results from my drug tests before I can take the final 3 hours of training.
So I got work here done on saturday, So i had Sunday and Monday to myself.
On Sunday, I hung out with my friend David. It was a good time catching up with him.
On Monday, I decided to go to the beach in Galveston...about an hour south of houston. The beach is on the Gulf of Mexico. I had talked to someone earlier this week and they said the water is starting to get too cold to swim in this year much longer. When I went, the water temperature was about 70 and felt warm compared to the water in Cayuga lake that I'm used to swimming in. It wasn't a bad way to spend the holiday, but I'd rather spend it with Loralee and Lincoln.
This is the view out of the Elmira airport waiting for my flight to board.
Downtown Houston.
Stewart Beach. I parked at the far end of the beack. I was able to park within 20 feet of the beach and it wasn't nearly as packed.
The waves were only about 2-3 foot high.
Walking down the beach about 1/4 mile and there is no one nearby.
Walking in the water
Nice looking beach houses.
Driving home with 1 cloud in the sky