The Jamison Irish Wiskey Distillery is located in the town I stayed at. Midleton. I toured their factory. They actually have an old factory and shut it down and replaced it with an upgraded factory next to it. We toured the old factory.
The waterwheel generated all of the power for the distillery.
I think these were for show and not filled
This shows the color of the whiskey as it ages. The left barrel is aged 2-3 years and the right is aged 18 years. You can see how some of the whiskey evaporates each year also
Swan Lake
The largest blackberries I have ever seen...although we recently found a plant at our house that had blackberries about the same size
The countryside
This is Drombeg. It is similar to stonehenge but much smaller. You can go right up to them and touch them. There were a bunch of groups there so this was the least people I could get in a picture
Another driving picture
This is Kinsale. It is a larger fishing village. They had the best fish and chips I've ever had at a local shop next to the harbor.
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